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Tail JSONL Logs


I wanted to find a tool that could:

  1. Convert a stream of JSONL logs into a readable logfmt-like output with minimal configuration
  2. Show exceptions on their own line

I investigated a lot of alternatives such as: humanlog, lnav, goaccess, angle-grinder, jq, textualog, logss, etc. but nothing would both cleanly format the JSONL data and show the exception.



Install with pipx

pipx install tail-jsonl


Pipe JSONL output from any file, kubernetes (such as stern), Docker, etc.

# Example piping input in shell
echo '{"message": "message", "timestamp": "2023-01-01T01:01:01.0123456Z", "level": "debug", "data": true, "more-data": [null, true, -123.123]}' | tail-jsonl
cat tests/data/logs.jsonl | tail-jsonl

# Optionally, pre-filter or format with jq, grep, awk, or other tools
cat tests/data/logs.jsonl | jq '.record' --compact-output | tail-jsonl

# An example stern command (also consider -o=extjson)
stern envvars --context staging --container gateway --since="60m" --output raw | tail-jsonl

# Or with Docker Compose (note that awk, cut, and grep all buffer. For awk, add '; system("")')
docker compose logs --follow | awk 'match($0, / \| \{.+/) { print substr($0, RSTART+3, RLENGTH); system("") }' | tail-jsonl


Optionally, specify a path to a custom configuration file. See an example configuration file at: tests/config_default.toml

echo '...' | tail-jsonl --config-path=~/.tail-jsonl.toml

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