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Developer Notes⚓︎

Local Development⚓︎

git clone
cd tail-jsonl
poetry install --sync
poetry run calcipy-pack pack.install-extras

# See the available tasks
poetry run calcipy
# Or use a local 'run' file (so that 'calcipy' can be extended)

# Run the default task list (lint, auto-format, test coverage, etc.)
./run main

# Make code changes and run specific tasks as needed:
./run lint.fix test


For testing, create an account on TestPyPi. Replace ... with the API token generated on TestPyPi or PyPi respectively

poetry config repositories.testpypi
poetry config pypi-token.testpypi ...

./run main pack.publish --to-test-pypi
# If you didn't configure a token, you will need to provide your username and password to publish

To publish to the real PyPi

poetry config pypi-token.pypi ...
./run release

# Or for a pre-release
./run release --suffix=rc

Current Status⚓︎

File Statements Missing Excluded Coverage
tail_jsonl/ 17 0 17 100.0%
tail_jsonl/_private/ 0 0 0 100.0%
tail_jsonl/_private/ 49 1 0 92.8%
tail_jsonl/ 11 0 0 100.0%
tail_jsonl/ 18 0 11 90.9%
Totals 95 1 28 94.5%

Generated on: 2024-04-18